Big Brother Winner Odds

Our traders have slashed the odds on Big Brother returning to our screens in the near future.
Channel 4 will air some of the series’ greatest ever moments on E4 this summer to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary, but our traders reckon a proper series could soon be on our screens.
Big Brother Winner Odds Winner
In fact, it’s now just a 10/11 shot that we see a new batch of housemates enter Britain’s most famous house before the end of next year.

Alex Apati of Ladbrokes said: “A best of Big Brother show will no doubt get fans dreaming of one more series, and we reckon we could soon be seeing exactly that.”
Updated odds for Big Brother 22 heading into the finale on Wednesday October 28th, 2020 on CBS. Cody Calafiore is the favorite with Enzo Palumbo behind him. NBA NHL MLB NCAAF NCAAB.
The show was axed back in 2018, but as the famous Davina McCall saying goes; ‘fancy another one?’
Big Brother 22 Winner Odds
- Previous performance: Winner of season 14 (2012) Rachel’s odds he’ll win: 70-1. “If someone has a chance at being a two-time winner this season—and, I mean, it’s only between Nicole and Ian—then it’s Ian. He’s way more likeable. That said, he’d really have to prove himself and as Big Brother goes, he’s a very middle-of-the-road player. Outside of the house, people don’t really have much of an opinion about.
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- Da’Vonne Rogers (Big Brother 17, Big Brother 18) What a day it would be if Da’Vonne won!
- Using the best sites for betting on Big Brother online join makes all the difference. The top sites offer action on the competitions and eliminations that happen each week. They have odds for the overall winner and unique prop bets. And you can bet on the show’s spin-offs, such as Big Brother: Over the Top and Celebrity Big Brother.
Ladbrokes Latest Betting
New series of Big Brother to air before end of 2021 – 10/11
Big Brother Odds To Win
All odds and markets correct as of date of publication.