Jean Scott
BEWARE Dr. Gene and Melissa Scott
'The team at Jean Scott Homes were nothing but expert. Rachel and Tom’s professional guidance during the home buying experience from start to close (and. William Eugene Scott, also known as Dr. Gene Scott, (August 14, 1929 - February 21, 2005), was a United States pastor and teacher who served for almost fifty years as an ordained minister. In 1975 he began nightly live broadcasts as a televangelist, and eventually satellite broadcasts extended his services and talk shows to many countries.
By David J. Stewart
The 'Cursing Preacher'?
The following YouTube video of Dr. Gene Scott (1929-2005) ranting and raving is disgraceful. He surely is NOT preaching the Word of God. He repeatedly curses in God's name (bleeped out), and you can hear Mr. Scott openly admit to cursing in God's name.
He claims he is not cursing in God's name; but rather 'defining' his message. Clearly, Mr. Scott is a false prophet, who doesn't quote even one Scripture, and doesn't say anything of substance in his words. Here's the despicable video...
Gene and Melissa Scott are unsaved Modernists. What I find most disturbing is that folks are actually clapping for him in the background. Sad, but true, people will follow just about any false prophet nowadays. No man of God would deliberately curse in God's holy name from the pulpit. Mr. Scott speaks about the truth, but he is a fool.
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Dr. Gene Scott's ministry is still operated today by his last wife, Melissa Scott. Gene and Melissa Scott are imposters, unsaved Modernists, who made/make millions exploiting Christianity...

'Get on the telephone!' is Scott's favorite bark. It's his way of ordering the faithful to send cash. And send they do, more than $1 million a month, according to some estimates. Through the years, the collections have helped support Scott's lavish lifestyle--chauffeured limousines, Lear jet travel, a Pasadena mansion, 'round-the-clock bodyguard protection and scenic horse ranches in Kentucky and the San Gabriel Valley.
At first blush, w. Eugene Scott, as he spells his name, seems miscast as God's renegade salesman. The 64-year-old preacher's son holds a Stanford Ph.D., fancies himself an intellectual, a philosopher, an avid bibliophile and philanthropist. But a closer look reveals a fascinatingly complex character: Scott has no formal education in theology, an enormous ego, eccentric personality and extraordinarily diverse interests. He is a world-renowned stamp collector, an equestrian, painter and hunter, and a saxophonist who pokes fun at 'honkers' like President Clinton. He has been lampooned on 'Saturday Night Live' by comic Robin Williams, profiled in the documentary 'God's Angry Man' and feted by some of California's prominent personalities...
When the curtain begins to rise, congregation members leap to their feet and cheer wildly. Before them appears their master, clad in a priest's collar, a teal-and-black windbreaker and gray slacks, seemingly unmoved by the adulation. After several seconds of enthusiastic applause, a rock band belts out praise to Jesus as Scott sits impassively on a blue-cushioned stool until the singing ends. Among the tunes Scott occasionally orders up is 'Kill a Pissant for Jesus.'
SOURCE: Ross - Dr. Gene Scott: The Shock Jock of Televangelism)
I saw a recent episode of Mrs. Scott on TV, speaking at The Cathedral. She dazzled the audience with a bunch of Greek and Hebrew words, but never made any sense of what she was trying to say. I watched 30-minutes of confusion. She kept talking about 'power' and 'Christ,' but never mentioned the blood of Jesus.
Apart from the sin-cleansing blood of Jesus, we would all be hopelessly condemned to Hellfire forever. Mrs. Scott also failed to mention 'sin,' or 'Hell.' To no surprise, she also criticized the King James Bible, God's preserved and inspired Word. Truthfully, I don't see how anyone could learn anything from watching Mrs. Scott speak. She talks quickly, moves from chalkboard to chalkboard, speaks a bunch of jibber-jabber, but makes no sense at all. It's almost as if she's mocking the stupidity of the audience.
As with many intellects, she leaves the common man far behind. The average person would have NO IDEA what she was talking about. Truthfully, I don't think she even understands what she's trying to say, but she knows just enough to deceive her listeners. This is only my opinion of course. One thing is certain to me... she is very confusing and a poor teacher.
Melissa Scott is a Feminist False Prophet!
The Word of God strongly condemns women preachers, who usurp AUTHORITY in the church...
'But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.' -1st Timothy 2:12
Many of today's churches have become apostate, allowing women to be ordained, pastor, and lead the men of the church. As a tragic consequence, the church is spiraling further downward into apostasy. False doctrine is epidemic in such churches. If a woman will pervert the Word of God in an attempt to justify her feminist rebellion, then she will compromise other Scriptures as well. Thus, it does not surprise me that Melissa Scott condemns the King James Bible. Women pastors are ALL false prophets! Women are not to preach in authority, which means they should not preach at all, because the Bible is a Book of Authority.
God is a masculine God, and he calls masculine men to preach His Word. Feminists resent the Biblical teaching that women are the 'weaker' sex (1st Peter 3:7). Please note that the Bible does not say that women are inferior to men, not at all. Rather, men are to be in authority, whether it be in a marriage, in the home, in the church, or in government. Feminist women loathe such truth. Feminism = Rebellion! When feminists talk about 'women's rights,' they are really talking about EQUALITY of authority, which they Biblical have NO RIGHT to demand.
Lucifer wanted to be EQUAL with God (Isaiah 14:14). The serpent told Eve that she would be EQUAL with God if she ate of the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:5). Feminists demand EQUALITY with men, which is vile wickedness in the area of authority. It must be understood that equality of human rights is an entirely different matter than equality of authority. Feminists will argue differently, which is why they hate the God of the Bible.
A Million Dollars A Month!
As with all false prophets today, the love of money is paramount, i.e., covetousness and greed... 'But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you... by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not' (2nd Peter 2:1,3).
William Eugene Scott, also known as Dr. Gene Scott, (August 14, 1929 - February 21, 2005), was a United States pastor and teacher who served for almost fifty years as an ordained minister. In 1975 he began nightly live broadcasts as a televangelist, and eventually satellite broadcasts extended his services and talk shows to many countries. The televised eccentricities of the white-maned preacher included chomping on cigars, wearing a variety of hats and featuring young women dancing in the broadcasts. In fundraising during his live broadcasts he would stare into the camera and order viewers to 'Get on the telephone!', successfully raising $1 million a month... (emphasis added)
Something is very wrong with any ministry that centers around raising money, such as The 700 Club, Life For Today, etc.When a ministry is always asking for money... RUN! It is sinful for a preacher to live lavishly:
'Get on the telephone!' is Scott's favorite bark. It's his way of ordering the faithful to send cash. And send they do, more than $1 million a month, according to some estimates. Through the years, the collections have helped support Scott's lavish lifestyle--chauffeured limousines, Lear jet travel, a Pasadena mansion, 'round-the-clock bodyguard protection and scenic horse ranches in Kentucky and the San Gabriel Valley. (emphasis added)
SOURCE: Ross - Dr. Gene Scott: The Shock Jock of Televangelism)
Worldly Music
At the end of her broadcast, Melissa Scott began singing her Body & Soul Medley. She sounded like she was singing in a nightclub. Christian Rock music is a woeful evil today. Truthfully, there is nothing even remotely 'Christian' about any type of Rock music. By the way, most country and country Gospel music today is nothing more than a variation of Rock music.
After Melissa Scott sang a few lines, the guitar player began to jam to a swing rhythm, and then she shamed the name of Jesus further by singing along with it. During the entire episode, Melissa Scott was wearing a minister's collar (i.e. a white collar in the front). The entire show was creepy. The Devil's music has no place in the church.
Christians should close their eyes, swing their bodies, and sing sensually like worldly singers do. The world's music makes people want to dance and act carnal. God's music should compel us to go soulwinning.
Dr. Gene Scott was a heathen, who also used demonic Rock music in his meetings...
When the curtain begins to rise, congregation members leap to their feet and cheer wildly. Before them appears their master, clad in a priest's collar, a teal-and-black windbreaker and gray slacks, seemingly unmoved by the adulation. After several seconds of enthusiastic applause, a rock band belts out praise to Jesus as Scott sits impassively on a blue-cushioned stool until the singing ends. Among the tunes Scott occasionally orders up is 'Kill a Pissant for Jesus.' (emphasis added)
SOURCE: Ross - Dr. Gene Scott: The Shock Jock of Televangelism)

Birds of a Feather Flock Together
To no surprise, Modernist and 33rd degree Freemason, Jesse Jackson, was a supporter of Dr. Gene Scott...
Religious leaders among the Los Angeles community who spoke out in support of Dr. Scott include Jess Moody; Rabbi William Kramer, Beverly Hills; and Reverend E. V. Hill, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Los Angeles. Reverend Jesse Jackson preached as Dr. Scott's guest from the platform of the Los Angeles University Cathedral, and other prominent religious, cultural and civic leaders have been frequent guests at the Sunday services. -SOURCE
Jesse Jackson is of the Devil, a Modernist (i.e., an imposter who pretends to be a Christian), as was Dr. Gene Scott...
Although declaring himself an avowed agnosticwhile attending Stanford University, after receiving his Ph.D. he briefly taught at Evangel College (now Evangel University), then assisted Oral Robertsin establishing Oral Roberts Universityin Tulsa, Oklahoma. Scott eventually joined the Assemblies of God, a Pentecostal denomination and for several years served in a variety of countries as an evangelist.
-SOURCE (Wikipedia:
It appears that Mr. Scott didn't know what he believed. Good luck trying to find his statement of faith. As with most Modernists, Mr. Scott realized that there was lots of money to be made in religion. The Bible compares humanity to sheep (Isaiah 53:6), i.e., sheep don't have a sense of danger, and are easily victimized by the cunning wolf. Satan is shrewd, cunning, and comes to us as a wolf in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7:15).
Satan always introduces people to seemingly harmless things, such as the Harry Potter series, but there is great danger. Oh! That people would learn to obey the Word of God, and not follow men (Romans 3:4). Phooey on greedy televangelists!
As a theologian, he de-emphasized what he might have viewed as relatively trivial lifestyle issues. 'I take you as you are, as God takes me as I am.' He was not known for wagging the finger at sinners for typical petty sins of the flesh. I don't think I ever heard him preach against drugs and fornication. -SOURCE
Dr. Gene Scott was a phony, a Modernist, who publicly cursed in God's name, promoted devilish Rock music, preached a social milquetoast gospel, lived an extravagant lifestyle, never took a stand against sin, rubbed shoulders with other apostate ministers, and disgraced the name of Jesus Christ.
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Jean Scott might look like your average grandmother but her kind face hides a surprisingly cunning mind. She is a well known casino writer whose specialty is finding and using casino comps to the maximum. She doesn’t claim to be a high stakes superstar but she will tell you that there isn't anyone else out there who knows how to work the system like she does.
She's known by the names 'The Queen of Comps' and 'The Frugal Gambler' because of the conservative nature of her advice and her love of casino comps. Her most famous book, 'The Frugal Gambler' came out in 1998 and it has since helped thousands of casino players learn how to make the most of their money at the casino. She reaches a wide audience because her advice doesn't apply only to serious gamblers and high rollers. Anyone can (and should) use the advice found in her books.
Jean's Beginning
Her conservative nature probably dates all the way back to her childhood. She was born as a minister's daughter and gained an incredible appreciation for thriftiness at a young age. The first time she visited Las Vegas was after she'd already retired from her first career as a high school English teacher.
Las Vegas struck a chord with Jean's thrifty nature. All the special deals, comps and coupons were everything a person like her could ask for. It made such an impression on her that she decided to do a little homework and see if any of these deals were any good.
The first step she took was in finding which casino games were the best ones for making her money last. She knew she'd have to give the casino some action if she wanted to get any comps so she did her research and found out that games like blackjack and video poker, when played with the correct strategy, could be breakeven games. In fact, these games could even sometimes give the player the advantage.
Gaming the System
She soon discovered an entire system of casino comps and learned how to take full advantage of that system. Before long, she was an expert at getting casino comps without having to spend lots of money at the casino. It was with that knowledge that she wrote the best selling Frugal Gambler book.
Her entire list of works includes:
- The Frugal Gambler (1998)
- More Frugal Gambling (2003)
- Frugal Video Poker (2006)
- Frugal Video Poker Scouting Guide (2007)
- Tax Help for Gamblers (2007)
Her most recent book about taxes was especially welcomed by casino players because finding reliable tax information is notoriously difficult for gamblers. It's not uncommon at all to get 12 different answers from qualified tax professionals when asking a single gambling related tax question. This book is definitely a little on the dry side but the information within it is incredibly valuable.
Frugal Video Poker Software
Jean's books are great for casino players of all skill levels but she also has a piece of software called 'Frugal Video Poker Software' that's aimed at more serious video poker players. It's a computer program that simulates video poker and trains new players in making the correct decisions in different video poker formats. It's a great piece of software for anyone looking to brush up their video poker skills.
In addition to writing and playing games at the casino, Jean Scott also does quite a bit of public speaking. She regularly holds seminars for gamblers and sometimes speaks in front of casino executives.
She is also a regular face on television with appearances on shows such as '48 Hours,' 'Dateline,' 'Hard Copy,' 'To Tell the Truth,' and multiple appearances on the Discovery Channel and Travel Channel.
Jean Scottish Name
Jean Scott now lives in Las Vegas with her husband Brad. You can view her website at and her blog at