Can You Beat The Casino
Currently, all online casino games come with a house edge, i.e. The advantage that the casino has over you. Depending on the casino and the game being played, the house edge can vary between 1% to 10% or more. ZeroEdge’s solution? Offer games with 0% house edge and give players a completely fair chance of winning. In other words, playing at.
lilredroosterSo what that means, is there are going to be PLENTY that are lifetime winners.
- Learn how cheaters have been able to beat the slots by putting the odds in their favor. Physically cheating at any gambling game in a major casino destination is a felony. If you get caught — and let’s face it, you probably will — you can plan on a lengthy probation and probably at least a little bit of jail time. You can now log.
- Choose Slots with Highest Payouts. This might seem like an obvious thing, but you’d be surprised to.
- With the exception of the games listed above you simply cannot beat casino games in the long term. This is especially true with craps but no different for slot machines or the roulette wheel. There’s not a strategy or system that can overcome the house edge.
Your statement and qualifications are misleading. If a person has won after after playing a very long time they have not won due to this book but to the nature of standard deviation itself. A person could just as well have won playing for the same amount of time choosing their bets based on tarot cards. I stand by my statement that nobody can make a living using this book. I, and most other people, would not define making a living as being very, very lucky. Everyone using these systems in a negative expectation game will lose in the long run. The mathematician's definition of the long run is infinity. A player getting extremely lucky and winning for a far greater than average amount of time is irrelevant. If you want to say that playing these systems if fun and improves your enjoyment of the games then I have no problem with a statement such as that. It's possible to be a long term winner due to something other than luck as an advantage player. That requires a significant amount of work and knowledge. It's not easy as are Barstow's systems.
Despite all the 'AP' noise, it is still a great book for the systems table games player. Not everyone here is an 'AP' player. We have Nathan.
but the title is 'beat the casino' ... the contents can't redeem the book with that lead-off
but the title is 'beat the casino' ... the contents can't redeem the book with that lead-off
The book is quite old, 60s or 70s with correspondingly lower bets that make little sense with $5-$10 limits today as opposed to $1 limits in those days. Anyway it is before the era of 'PC AP' talk and the internet, mixed in, so to speak, with Scoblete 'taking millions' off the craps table. It is a great read.
Despite all the 'AP' noise
There are several gambling forums on the web that promote similar types of systems and their promoters rarely go challenged on these sites. Don't you think it's useful to have a site that does challenge the idea that a money management system is a road to profitability? Several times a week on this forum somebody writes about their system and implies that it is a money maker. Should those who disagree here just shut up? Again, if they promote their systems as being enjoyable, not as a road to profitability, I don't have any problem with that.
Not everyone here is an 'AP' player. We have Nathan.
Seems that everyone here, not having read the book, thinks that this a book that insures riches as say a Scoblete craps book. Just not so. Please, let it go.
Seems that everyone here, not having read the book, thinks that this a book that insures riches as say a Scoblete craps book. Just not so. Please, let it go.
I haven't read it, but as many people who own the book are willing to let it go for a penny, I'm thinking they weren't able to take advantage of the kernals of wisdom contained in it.
Posted on March 4, 2012
Review of Beat The Casino by Frank Barstow
Frank Barstow was a Wall Street Analyst. Upon retirement he did substantial research on gambling systems.
All the gambling systems are documented in the book “Beat The Casino”. The book is now out of print.
He concluded by saying that he could have named these systems as “Royal Road to Riches, but he chose not to”. Then, in the epiloque, he criticised the politicians for legalising the casinos.
He explored up as you win systems, up as you lose systems, bet selection and partnership play.
If you would like to go for small but consistent wins, parlay is a good system to use.
Barstow recommends this system
2 3 4 5 7 10.
Total= 31 units.
He said you should win 42 units for every 31 units that you lose.
You can also use the 31-parlay system
1 1 1 2 2 4 4 8 8
This system was documented in Las Vegas magazine. This old man make a living playing just one system.
The total loss per series is 31 units. That is why it is commonly known as 31-parlay system.
For playing parlay systems, use the reverse-repeat bet selection (more on this later).
And try to chose tables with lots of doublets and avoid tables with lots of singlets or chops or jumps (whatever you call it).
It does not matter if the cards do not go your way. You still have to do it for the benefit of the doubt.
Up-two-down-one system. Barstow says this is the best system. So, he lent his name to this system.
Now it is known as Barstow’s system.
1 2 3 5 7 9 11
Starting bet is one unit. You move up either one level or two units after a win. You reduce one level after a loss.
Generally, you conclude the series after three wins in a row, www, or two wins one loss then another two wins, wwlww.
It is not necessary to end the whole series after say www.
You can pull back to a lower level somewhere in the middle of the series if you still need to catch up.
Everytime you lose, you reduce one level.
If you lose three big bets consecutively exceeding 30 units, you drop the whole series. Execute your strict limit on losses.
Barstow said he played eighteen four hour sessions. His results are as follows:
Won 14 four hour sessions averaging 350 per session
Lost 4 four hour sessions averaging 150 per session.
See some examples here and figure it out yourself how I play this system.
Losses are in brackets
The examples are taken from my log playing 5% baccarat in one of my overseas trips.
Example 1:
1, 2, 3 won 6 units
Example 2 :
(1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), (1), 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5 won 13 units
Example 3:
(1), (1), 1, (2), (1), (1), (1), 1, 2, (3), 2, (4), 3, (5), (4), 3, 5, 7, 9, (5), (4), 3, 5, 7. Won 16 units
Example 4:
(1), (1), (1), 1, (2), 1, (2), 1, 2, (4), 3, 5, (6), (5), (4), 3, (5), (4), 2, (4), 3, (5), 4, (6), 5,
(7), 6, 8, (10), 9, (11), 10, (5), 4, 6, 8, 4.
Won 2 units. Despite losing the two highest stake of 10 and 11.
You will notice how I deviate from the basic rules.
To win playing this system skilful handling is a MUST.
Play within your comfort zone. Professional gambling is a trade-off between risk and reward.
You must be comfortable with the risk in order to take the reward.
This method is still smart chasing of losses. The odds are still negative.
All up as you lose systems fall under the grind category.
Barstow says 80% of the professionals only escalate on winnings whereas 20% of the professionals also escalate on losing.
To the latter, they say it is the surest way to win.
Barstow describe the following systems.
1. Doubling up or Martingale.
Barstow recommend strict limit of losses at four levels.
Careful bet selection is a MUST to come out ahead.
2. Fibonacci.
1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233
Twelve levels.
Barstow says bet selection is crucial to come out ahead.
Just follow my blog. One day I will describe to you how I modify these fibonacci numbers for optimal play. I won between 50 cents to one dollar per bet. That is, if I had played one thousand bets, my winning is US$500.
3. Two-Five system.
Barstow recommend this system. He says it is a good especially when
played with partners or use imaginary partnerships.
You create a string with five numbers.
For example 2 3 5 7 10
Start with two units you keep pushing up until you get two wins or lose the series.
Anytime you get your two wins you conclude your series.
For example your winning series can be
2, 3
(2), (3), 5, 7
(2), 3, 5
(2), 3, (5), 7
2, (3), 5
2, (3), (5), 7
(2), (3), (5), 7, 10
(2), (3), 5, (7), 10
For bet selection, Barstow recommend a method he named it “PATTERN”.
In this bet selection you will lose to double chop or two-two, but win all long series of single chop (or jump or alternating). You will also win all long streaks of BANKER as well as PLAYER.
You only lose to BANKER second liner and PLAYER second liner.
The REVERSE of PATTERN is the bet selection known as REVERSE-REPEAT.
Barstow recommends player switch to REVERSE-REPEAT when they notice they are losing more times.
In REVERSE-REPEAT, player wins the first liner and second liner of both BANKER and PLAYER.
REVERSE-REPEAT bet selection is ideal when you are playing systems like parlay where two consecutive wins are crucial.
I repeat,
The book is quite old, 60s or 70s with correspondingly lower bets that make little sense with $5-$10 limits today as opposed to $1 limits in those days. Anyway it is before the era of 'PC AP' talk and the internet, mixed in, so to speak, with Scoblete 'taking millions' off the craps table. It is a great read.
I would bet if guys like him did an honest accounting they would find that zero money was made of the actual craps table from DI.I find it suspicious whenever I hear someone is retiring from something like DI. Unless they cant physically do it anymore. If I was them and I truly thought DI worked I would search high and low trying to find someone to bank and share profits.
If DI is possible. Right now is the perfect time. There is almost no heat and they are getting more generous as far as comps and marketing.

If you could just break even you would do well given a healthy bankroll.
If there’s one thing everybody knows about gambling it’s that the house always wins. And while it is true that casinos always make a profit, there are a number of ways to cheat the system – some of which are actually perfectly legal.
Half a century ago, mathematician Edward Thorp published a groundbreaking book outlining how a player could use “card counting” to get an advantage in the game Blackjack by keeping track of the cards left in a deck. Ever since, casinos have been trying to eradicate card counting while card counters are getting increasingly skilled at not getting caught. So is it possible to outplay casinos today? And what will it be like in the future?
Casinos are businesses and operate by building in a margin – often referred to as the house edge. If you play roulette and bet on a single number you will be paid at odds of 35-1 when the true odds are 36-1 in Europe and 37-1 in the US. The fact that you are receiving less than the true odds is the house edge and explains why casinos make money in the long term. Of course, some people have to win, otherwise casinos would cease to exist.
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Advantage players
What casinos don’t like are “advantage players” – people seeking to have an edge over the house. Sometimes this involves cheating and/or illegal activities ranging from past posting (making a bet after the time when no more bets are to be taken) to collaborating at the poker table and using a computer to help make decisions.
Card counting, however, is legal. In Blackjack, the aim of the player is to achieve a hand of cards whose points add up nearer to 21 than the dealer’s hand, but without exceeding 21. Many hands are played from the same deck of cards, so what happens in one hand will influence what happens in future hands. As an example, if a ten has been played from the pack then it cannot appear in the next hand. This is different from other games, such as roulette, where the outcome of one spin has no effect on the next spin.
Card counting is based on the fact that a large proportion of high cards (such as tens, jacks, queens and kings, which are all worth ten points) left in the unplayed deck statistically improves the player’s chances. This is because a player can decide not to draw a new card to a hand such as 16, but the casino is forced to, as it follows strict rules. If there are a high proportion of high cards left in the unplayed deck of cards, the dealer has more chance of busting (going over 21). This can be combined with “basic strategy” – developed from computer simulations of millions of blackjack hands – which tells the player the best action to take for each possible card combination.
Combining card counting and basic strategy can help a player convert the (long term) house edge from 2.7%, in favour of the casino, to about a 1% advantage to the player. Of course, once you have this advantage you can increase your bet.
To give a simple example, if you were playing basic strategy and were dealt a ten and a six, and the dealer had a three showing (one of the dealers cards is visible to the player), you would stand (not take another card) as you hope that the dealer would draw a ten and bust. If you were card counting, and you knew that more low cards had been played, you might decide to increase your stake at this point.
Evolving battle
Casinos have introduced a number of measures to deter card counting. These include spotting those doing it and simply banning them from playing, or even from entering the casino. Another approach is to increase the number of decks from one to (typically) six, or even eight. Some casinos also shuffle the cards after only about 75% have been played or shuffle them constantly using automatic shufflers.
You might wonder why casinos don’t simply withdraw blackjack. Well, it remains a popular game, and one that is still profitable. There are also many would-be card counters who are not actually that good at it, and they provide income to the casinos.
Many blackjack players have fought back against such measures, arguing that casinos should allow gamblers to use skill when playing the game. As a card counter operating on their own is relatively easy to spot (intense concentration, increasing bets and so on), a team of students from MIT showed it could successfully be done in teams. The idea is that somebody else counts the cards – they may not even be sitting at the table. When the count reaches an agreed value, they signal to another player, who joins the table to start betting. This is a lot more difficult to detect but casinos may stop players joining the game until after a shuffle to combat such a strategy.
Other players have used shuffle tracking, where blocks of cards are tracked so that you have some idea when they will appear. If you are given the option to cut the pack, you try and cut the pack near where you think the block of cards you are tracking is so that you can bet accordingly. A variant on this is to track aces as, if you know when one is likely to appear, you have a distinct advantage over the casino.
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It’s been 50 years since Thorp’s book, and it is unlikely that the war of wills between blackjack players and casinos will end any time soon. Some of our work has investigated how artificial neural networks (simple models of the human brain) could help evolve blackjack strategies. This was done by playing thousands of blackjack hands and the computer learning what to do in any given situation, getting better each time. There is a lot of scope to see if automated computer programs could learn even more sophisticated strategies.