Best Poker App 2020
- Best Mobile Poker Game
- Best Poker Training App 2020
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- Best Poker Apps 2020
- Best Poker App 2020 Video
Top 5 Best Poker Training Software 2020
Best Poker App Ipad 2020, roulette inox 316, real online poker arkansas, la grange casino le locle. Wager: x48Min deposit: €20Code: WILD30. That includes playing card games like poker. Some poker players are already hooked on playing online poker, while others are just getting started. If you’re looking for the best poker apps for iPad in 2020, you’re in the right place. All of the sites you see here give players the chance to play poker for real money on their mobile devices.

The development of onlinepoker also created a lot of poker training sites and software. Not only this,but there are also plenty of poker coaches making a living out of this, sopoker training is a business by itself.
A good training softwareshould contain poker strategy, multimedia resources, training guides, tools,commentary and more. All of these resources should be available for all thepopular poker variations. Now let’s take a closer look at the top 5 best pokertraining sites in 2020:
Now, let us take a look at the list of top 10 best poker apps for Android and IOS. #1 Zynga Poker – Texas Holdem Zynga Poker. Zynga Poker is a free texas hold’em poker game. It was first started in 2008 and became one of the most downloaded Poker apps ever. Since the launch, the app has been downloaded 50M+ times in both Android and IOS. If you’re looking for online poker real money, there are a few options you can try out. These sites for online poker for real money range in variety, but one thing they all have in common is that they let you play poker for real money. Here’s some information on these sites. Roulette requires no skill to Best Poker App Ios 2020 play, although it is helpful to learn the best bets to make. Live dealer roulette is the most exciting game to Best Poker App Ios 2020 play on online casinos, but bettors can find other roulette games to Best Poker App Ios 2020 play online, too.
- Test Your Poker
This website includes plentyof resources to help you improve your game. It also includes a large databaseof replays of pro players’ games, along with feedback and commentary.
You will start by taking aninteractive poker test (which is free) in order to find your IQ score. Then,you will receive an analysis of 30 pages and a training plan. After you beginthe training, you can take a new test each week in order to track yourprogress.
- PokerTracker 4
This is one of the best andmost popular poker trackers and training software. It was established in 2001and it’s going strong ever since. It includes detailed stats on all aspects ofyour game, as well as training for cash games, sit and go-s, tournaments, MTTsand more.
It works for Texas Hold’em,Omaha High-Low and 7 Card Stud. They also have reports, filters and much moreuseful features. It has a free 30-day trial and it is compatible with most bigpoker sites.
- Deuces Cracked
Created in 2007, this pokertraining site includes a big database with thousands of poker videos,tutorials, strategies and also a poker forum. Here you will also find pokercoaches and be able to interact with thousands of players from all over theworld and more than 45 pros. You can try it for free for 7 days and there arenew videos added every week. Members also benefit from various bonuses, offersand tournaments.
- Ivey League
Phil Ivey is a legendaryplayer with almost 20 years of experience and millions of dollars won. Hecreated this poker training platform where he got together some of the bestplayers in the world to teach those in need.
There are tutorials andstrategies for players of all levels, from beginners to pros, from thoseplaying at micro-stakes to those playing at high stakes. Ivey League is anawesome platform with lots of useful resources.
- Advanced Poker Training
Founded back in 2007, it isan important platform for those that want to improve their game. It includescommentary from pro players, virtual games against online opponents, detailedstats, strategies and much more.
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2020 has finally arrived and it’s time to check on the latest updates in the world of poker training. Poker training has evolved tremendously during this past decade. If you wanted to improve your game 10 years ago, you would have to go to a bookstore and buy Doyle Brunson’s “Super System” or Dan Harrington’s “Harrington on Cash Games”. These books, which were once considered the poker bible, are today a better fit for a museum shelf. In 2020, however, the era of artificial intelligence (AI) software rules.
Machine learning, deep learning, cloud computing, and other modern technologies have enabled computers to solve optimal strategies for Texas Hold’em. A computer can play against itself billions of poker hands per minute, and by doing that it will let every possible strategy play against any other, until it will discover the optimal strategy for any given scenario. This technology is far superior to any human-established poker strategy and we can see that even the best poker pros can’t beat today’s poker AIs.

Compatible with: Android, iOS, Desktop
Best Mobile Poker Game
Poker Fighter is a supreme poker AI combined with an intuitive user interface. It has the only AI on the market that not only solves the game but it also explains the reasoning behind its decisions to the user. The main problem with AI-based software is that even though it can tell you the optimal decision at any given point, it can’t tell you why. The creators of Poker Fighter have overcome this challenge and created the only poker trainer that lets you take a peek behind the curtain.
Being an AI-based app, Poker Fighter allows you to train infinitely, while it automatically generates poker hands for you, according to the poker scenarios you wish to work on. Some of the levels are offered for free while others require a monthly subscription. Subscription prices are around $4-7 per month, which is ridiculous when compared to poker training sites that charge $200 or more per month. The bottom line: Poker Fighter should definitely be your number one choice.
Compatible with: Android, iOS, Desktop
PokerSnowie is another outstanding AI-based training software. Snowie Games, which has already proven their superb AI capabilities when they created Backgammon Snowie, has done it again with PokerSnowie. Their AI is a tough competitor in the market, and if you would ever have to face it at the poker table, I suggest you run away instead.
Pricing wise, they offer two packages. The “Intermediate” package is $99 per year and the “Pro” package is $230 per year. Even though it’s a pricier solution, Snowie Games’ track record lets you know you’re in the right hands. They have a well-established brand, and their AI skills can definitely be trusted.
Compatible with: Desktop
Advanced Poker Training started developing their AI back in 2007. They created a database of hundreds of pre-determined poker hands and have let more than 200,000 players play those hands. The results have let them characterize to predict the skills and weaknesses of a typical poker player. Using that knowledge, they created Advanced Poker Training, a platform focused on beating this strategy.

Best Poker Training App 2020
They offer value subscription packages, which go for around $25 per month. Their lifetime package is $499, and they offer a 30-day moneyback guarantee on all packages.
Compatible with: Desktop
PioSolver is the go-to AI tool for professional poker players. In 2020, Pio will offer the most accurate AI engine on the training market. It’s not able to tell you the reasoning behind its decisions, but you can be certain they are optimal. Newbies and intermediate players would find it hard to train using Pio, and this is why it is aimed for the experienced professionals. If you have a specific poker spot in mind, and you want to check out the optimal way of playing it, PioSolver is just the tool for you.

Best Poker App 2020 Apk
PioSolver offers a lifetime license that varies between $249 – $1,099, depending on the number of features you want to be included. We suggest going with the PioSOLVER pro version, that covers almost all of the features and lets you delve into any poker spot you desire.
Compatible with: Android, iOS
Best Poker Apps 2020
If PioSolver is aimed for the experienced professional, DTO is focused on the intermediate ones. Designed from the strategy of Dominik Nitsche and Markus Prinz, this poker trainer strives to use Game Theory Optimum (GTO) to solve Texas Hold’em. The user gets to play poker against their AI engine, which scores and rates the user’s poker plays. After spending dozens of hours practicing with this trainer, we can assure you that their advice is solid.
Best Poker App 2020 Video
They offer three subscription packages that range between $7-$10 per month. Their low pricing allows them to compete with Poker Fighter’s pricing package, even though their free tier is very shallow compared to Poker Fighter’s equivalent. We suggest trying a monthly subscription before committing to a longer one.